понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

best ftp programs

Oh dear... I feel so fat nowadays. I�donapos;t know why. I�donapos;t think I gained anything but... I am sure that I havenapos;t lost anything either. I havenapos;t weighed myself since my Saturdayapos;s binge. In the morning on saturday I was 123, and on sunday-monday I kept under 800 (mostly cereal, oatmeal, cheese noodles from a pack). I really need to lose at least 3 pounds by the end of this week, and another 3 by thursday 30th. Any advices? I donapos;t exercise, cause school leaves me with no energy at all. (and please donapos;t say I am useless because I donapos;t exercise, the last time some of you said it, I had a terrible binge)

And the worst thing- on wednesday I am going out with my friend. So for sure there will be lots of alcohol... But... What If I binge and actually EAT�something? I canapos;t eat more than 800 calories on Wednesday (plus alcohol... Well, once in a while I can let myself go crazy) but food only 800 It is so horrible, and I havenapos;t seen my friends since May ;(

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